

「 Twitter 」の検索結果
  • 僕が英語で呟いたツイートまとめ|まさらぼ英会話onTwitter
    サイトトップに戻る僕が英語で呟いたツイートまとめ|まさらぼ英会話onTwitterこのページではtwitterで僕が英語で呟いた内容をまとめています。その他の このWEBサイトの英会話関連情報はコチラにまとめています▼まさらぼ英会話2022年のツイートまとめ2022年12月29日I used to often drive on Tokyo Expressway, but now Im too scared to drive on that road anymore.以前はしばしば首都高を走る事がありましたが、今はもう走れる気がしません2022年12月20日His opinions seem right at the moment we hear them. But over time, they are often wrong.2022年12月14日We may have to go over a number of dead bodies to get there. Dead or alive...2022年12月11日Onakasuita,oudontabetai.2022年12月10日I want to buy these goods, but I have no money because I failed to trade crypto currency.今週 暗号資産市場が大暴落したため買えませんでした。#gelatopique#supermario2022年12月10日Mr. Otani, you are the only one who can help FTX!2022年12月9日Someone said...Why do you always take picture s of this situation?😂誰かが言った。。。『なぜ君はそこで写真撮ってるの?』と。2022年12月9日I had a great time !!とても良い時間を過ごしました‼️2022年12月6日I just received a lovely letter from my sisters family who live in a foreign country!Im posting an illustration my niece drew for me without her permission. Im sorry.外国に住んでる姉の家族から僕の誕生日に合わせ手紙が送られてきた。姪が描いてくれた絵を勝手に載せちゃう2022年12月3日funny.Titanic with a Cat (Behind the Scenes)2022年10月31日I bought this blue cover notebook!I plan to use it to learn how to use an app called Clip Studio Paint.2022年10月31日What color notebook should I buy?2022年10月30日Dont say that, let me use your service!https://mangaplus.shueisha.co.jp/blocking2022年10月30日My limit price for my Dogecoin on this exchange is about 54 yen.lolMy sleepiness is gone. Im off to the convenience store!2022年10月30日A feeling I havent had in a while !!2022年10月26日I just found three 2,000 yen bills in my desk drawer! Lucky me ♪By the way, are 2,000 yen bills still being printed ?2022年10月24日I must take these tablets twice a day for a week without fail.2022年10月24日It looks very cold today, but bitcoin price is warming up.2022年10月21日ビットコイン様、おやすみなさいませ。明日こそ宜しくお願い致しますGood night bitcoin. I go to sleep in hopes that you will be active tomorrow!2022年10月20日Im going out now with my iPadpro for a change.2022年10月19日I listened to a song called Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen in its entirety for the first time today. It was different from what I had imagined.2022年10月11日Im surprised for the first time in a long time because the impressions of my tweets yesterday were so great.2022年10月10日Im in a store filled with good smells right now.Happy Halloween2022年10月10日I dont know whether I want it or not.2022年10月5日Is there an intention behind not using so many kanji?なんで漢字少なめにしてるの?2022年10月5日Dont you dream anymore?Afraid of tomorrow?Have you given up?Look at the sky,its amazingly beautiful.2022年10月3日Hmm...I dont think another big drop will happen.2022年9月21日I am looking for the book in a bookstore.2022年9月21日Okashi katteru!2022年9月21日Osushi tabeteru!2022年9月21日My temperature today is normal, so GU allowed me to enter.2022年9月19日Is there any correlation between this situation?2022年9月6日I bought tickets for the Yoshihiro Togashi exhibition yesterday.https://togashi-ten.com/2022年9月5日I dont know why, but I was moved by this song tonight.なんだかよくわからないけど今日はこの曲に感動した。主よ、人の望みの喜びよ/ヨハン・ゼバスティアン・バッハ2022年8月16日I went to the movie theater to see Jurassic World and am now on my way home.ジュラシックワールドを観るために映画館に行って今帰宅中です。年末のスラムダンクの映画も楽しみ2022年8月11日I believe ETH will go up steadily to $2700.2022年7月23日I found that listening to Mr. Childrens songs cheered me up.自分の体がミスチルの曲を聴くとテンションが上がる構造になっている事を再発見した。常に聴いておこうと思う♪2022年7月16日My introduction to him would go like this.綾部さんの紹介文を書きました2022年7月15日Im reading this book now.#綾部祐二#ピース#ロサンゼルス2022年7月11日I wonder if what I am making now has any meaning, but the world is full of useless things.僕のしている事に意味があるのだろうかと考えてしまうけど、世の中無駄な物で溢れている。人生は暇潰し。無駄な物作っててもきっと良いのだ。感情無で淡々と続け気づいたら別の場所にいようと思う2022年7月5日Lately I have been trying to believe even the unbelievable and possibly false things.🙄※ The attached photo has nothing to do with the content of the tweet.2022年6月27日韓国に行った時の写真を今探してるんですけど、見つかりません。I am looking for photos from my trip to Korea, but I cant find any.2022年6月26日四国に行った時の写真を発掘しました。友達の結婚式でしたが、何県に行ったのか忘れた。香川県だったか?Here are some photos from my visit to Shikoku. I dont remember what prefecture I visited. Is it Kagawa prefecture?世界の中心で愛を叫ぶが好きだったから、高松に興奮したような?2022年6月25日お台場に巨大なガンダムがいた頃に撮った写真。カシャッWhen a huge Gundam was standing in Odaiba.#お台場#東京#ガンダム2022年6月24日These are the photos I took in 2009. Tokyo Tower is always beautiful.2022年6月24日I watched this drama every week, in which Shun Oguri and Satomi Ishihara appeared.And I really like the theme song sung by Miwa!ABOUThttps://ja.m.wikipedia.org/MUSIChttp://youtu.be/2022年6月24日・Shibuya・Jinbocho・Akihabara・ShibuyaIm posting some photos I took in the past.2022年6月23日・Funabashi・Roppongi・Minami-Aoyama・AkihabaraIm posting some photos I took in the past.2022年6月23日・NEWoMan shinjuku・Ueno Station・GIRL NEXT DOOR・Mt. FujiIm posting some photos I took in the past.2022年6月21日I am downloading that app now. Thank you for introducing me to it!2022年6月21日The view I saw every day when I was in my early twenties. It was the most anxious time in my life.2022年6月10日Recently, I was looking for photos when I was a college student, but unfortunately I couldnt find all the photos because the data on some memory cards was corrupted.2022年6月8日We can think of life as interesting because it is difficult. It would be impossible to get everything done the way we want. But I sometimes regret some of the things that went wrong. Life is difficult for me.I was surprised to see myself in old photos because I used to smile alot2022年6月5日No good.How long will this crypto winter last?2022年5月28日Yuji Ayabe says "Hi, how are you?" from New York!2022年5月20日Even the Japanese can no longer focus on the Japanese. It is disgraceful to make a fuss without understanding your position. What have you been doing until today?And you should realize that what you are doing now is giving rise to your complaint.2022年5月15日About bitcoin, I want it to bottom out at $25,000 and rise within a month.A prayer from Japan2022年5月12日Today, I went to a spiritual place to get lucky.https://recotripp.com/spot/161432022年5月11日It was a tremendous day...May 11, 20222022年5月11日MAKE LUNA...2022年5月9日Awful, Twitter mistook me for a robot!Why?2022年5月8日Hello Bitcoin. You are playing dead quite well!Because of you, my money has been greatly reduced. You are annoying me! Please be more honest.Your price today is half of your highest price. Is todays price the bottom? Or are you willing to fall to a third of your highest price?2022年5月8日This game should be a little easier!#BTC#Bitcoin2022年5月5日Nothing comes to mind.2022年4月24日There is nothing I can do except pray.2022年4月23日I am not smart,so I struggle to survive.2022年4月18日I was reading this book yesterday.2022年4月13日Where will the money concentrated in USD go next?2022年4月12日Which companies will be making major platforms in 5 years? I can’t wait!2022年4月12日Its no good.2022年4月9日No one is here.2022年4月9日Oh, dear.2022年4月9日My income this year has turned negative.2022年4月7日Our currency depreciation has not stopped.2022年4月7日My money has decreased considerably.I hope it will recover soon.2022年4月4日Today,I am reading another book about metaverse‼️2022年4月3日I cant understand what this information means.The Coincheck chart looks good on me.2022年4月1日And now,I am listening to their conversation.2022年4月1日Today,I am reading this book on metaverse written by Katsuaki Sato!世界2.0/メタバース/佐藤航陽2022年3月30日Today I am reading this book on metaverse.2022年3月29日How cute2022年3月28日Go go2022年3月19日I am researching its features and differences from other models now, not before buying the washing machine.What are the features of it?https://panasonic.jp/wash/products/na_lx127a.htmlWhat is nanoeX?https://panasonic.jp/wash/products/features/nanoe.html2022年3月12日I recently ordered a washing machine on the net. It will be arriving soon, but I got lazy and didnt measure the space for it properly.I am a little worried...2022年3月9日I bought one chair to try it out.2022年2月27日Im reading a book on video editing today.2022年2月22日Im thinking about my signature now.https://talking-english.net/sing-signature-autograph/2022年1月26日This is a portrait of Tetsuya Katsuragi that I drew in 2019.#葛城哲哉2022年1月26日These pictures are portraits of Tomomi Kahara and Hitomi that I drew when I was a student.#華原朋美#hitomi2022年1月26日This is a portrait of Namie Amuro that I drew in 2019.#安室奈美恵2022年1月26日The picture on the left is a portrait of Tetsuya Komuro that I drew when I was a student.The picture on the right is a portrait of Tetsuya Komuro, which I redrew in 2019.#小室哲哉2022年1月23日AddedAverage purchase priceXYM 17.5BTC 4,130,000LTC 13,050OMG 550LINK 1,901BCH 33,3002022年1月22日I bought coins at the following prices at Bitbank today. Will the prices of those coins still fall?Average purchase priceXRP 76.5ETH 315,000BAT 97.5QTUM 778.5XYM 20.22022年1月20日very busy!2022年1月18日I bought a lot of chocolates today. They look delicious♪ Ill eat them little by little over the course of a year.2022年1月9日My sister is married to an Englishman and lives abroad. So Im studying English because I think it would be a problem if I couldnt speak English. I have used DMM, Native Camp, NOVA and AEON so far.My interest is about blockchain.By the way, how many more days until spring?2021年のツイートまとめ2021年12月29日Why did it suddenly become so unpopular? My concern is about the current situation where there is no more good news or bad news.2021年12月28日My expectation is that the price of Bitcoin will fall until December 31st. Then it will rise a little about 30 minutes before the end of this year.2021年12月28日My trading performance this year.January ⭕️February ➖March ➖April ➖May ⭕️June ⭕️July ➖August ⭕️September ❌October ⭕️⭕️⭕️November ⭕️⭕️December ❌I managed to recover, but in September and December I almost died.2021年12月28日In February, March and April, I was focused on drawing manga. And maybe I was playing in July.2021年12月19日I know that no one knows the answer. So theres no point in looking for someones answer. Ultimately I have to make a quick decision myself.2021年12月18日I was gifted with Takayama Ramen.Im so happy!2021年12月17日Im from Chiba prefecture too!2021年12月15日Another new word came out.Great Reset?2021年12月14日There is not much of a difference between “growth” and “close”.2021年12月14日Hmm...2021年12月11日Replying to@BitcoinMagazineIts a cute video!2021年12月11日I lost 200,000 yen due to a simple misjudgment.2021年12月9日Whats going on with this company?2021年12月8日Leeway and time to think makes a profit. That is why its necessary to be conscious of not doing unnecessary things.2021年12月4日I bought these two books!#みかみ#三崎優太2021年12月4日Compared to the same time yesterday, my money has decreased significantly.2021年12月2日It feels like a roller coaster ride.2021年11月30日Cant you see things a little more without prejudice?2021年11月29日Why did it suddenly become so unpopular? My concern is about the current situation where there is no more good news or bad news.2021年11月29日Not yet?2021年11月29日Hmm...2021年11月27日I bought a lot of this coin.2021年11月26日Isnt this the sad feeling youve been waiting for?2021年11月23日Oh dear!2021年11月23日Guess what will happen next and act!2021年11月23日Why dont you notice the chance in front of you?2021年11月22日Think for yourself, not the opinions of others.2021年11月21日Trading cryptocurrencies increases my money every month. Its been fine until today, but how long will it last?2021年11月20日■alsoとtooの違いhttps://peraperabu.com/also-too-chigai/■veryとsoの違いhttps://nativecamp.net/blog/20210530english_word2021年11月19日I know that no one knows the answer. So theres no point in looking for someones answer. Ultimately I have to make a quick decision myself.2021年11月19日My money is steadily decreasing.2021年11月18日I dont feel anything anymore.2021年11月18日I regret that I should have sold them all. I still have a few coins.2021年11月16日I sold them at 8pm last night. I dont know at all.2021年11月15日Hmm,difficult.2021年11月14日I bought back some coins with low market capitalization.2021年11月11日Replying to@BitcoinMagazineIts a cute video!2021年11月11日Very very difficult. I havent repurchased this time.2021年11月11日I had sold 75% of the coins I had before the crash last night. miraculous.2021年11月6日painful.2021年11月3日In my case, I have decided when to sell my coins, not the price to sell them next.2021年10月30日It was an amazing video.Mr. Matsuura visited Steve Aokis home!2021年10月30日I believed in Bitcoin this time.2021年10月30日Did Facebook make the announcement yesterday with the intention of having a positive impact on the market?2021年10月30日Will Facebooks change of company name have a positive effect?2021年10月29日The price of altcoin may rise until mid-November. But that may be the last excitement of cryptocurrencies this year.2021年10月29日This is scary. I slept early last night, so I was able to escape the disaster.2021年10月27日I thought it would fall beyond everyones expectations.2021年10月27日① Will it rise after falling beyond everyones expectations?②The bubble market will not come at the end of this year.Which one?2021年10月26日By the way, I let go of all my coins in the evening.2021年10月25日Im in a movie theater now.Im planning to watch a movie titled "Daughter of Lupine".2021年10月25日He woke up from a long sleep.His name brings back memories.2021年10月24日I often wonder, "What am I living for?"2021年10月24日Im sad because there are many people who hate XRP.2021年10月23日I have to go out tonight and there will be a meeting tomorrow. In addition, the day after tomorrow I have to go far. Troublesome.2021年10月23日I bought more coins tonight.2021年10月22日Nagatomo was angry with me in my dream yesterday. good morning.2021年10月21日Hmm...2021年10月20日Go go !!2021年10月18日What kind of situation is it now?2021年10月16日I cant live up to their expectations, so dont let them see me.2021年10月15日Who buys Bitcoin at this price as of October 2021?2021年10月15日The price of Bitcoin today is about 10 times higher than that of October 2017.2021年10月15日I didnt have enough power to believe it.2021年10月14日Any reason is fine.2021年10月12日Finally I let go of all my coins!2021年10月11日Im surprised. I regret having sold most of my coins yesterday.2021年10月10日I sold most of the altcoins I have today. Well, what will happen?2021年10月8日Is this coin sick?🙄☑️About MonacoinMonacoin is a cryptocurrency that originated in Japan.①https://ja.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monacoin②https://coinmarketcap.com/ja/currencies/monacoin/③https://fisco.jp/media/mona-future/④https://bitpress.jp/column/kuso/entry-7287.html2021年10月7日So I dont have any Bitcoins anymore. Im in trouble now..,2021年10月6日I have already sold this too....2021年10月6日UUUUUUnbelievableeeee!!!I was shaken off.2021年10月6日too strong❗️too fast‼️2021年10月5日What are they expecting?2021年10月5日As a result, Bitcoin has become relatively dominant.2021年10月4日I think it would be good to raise Bitcoin price to 5,750,000 yen once.2021年10月4日Good job!2021年10月4日Is it soon?Is it still more?2021年10月3日I still trust it at all too!2021年10月3日Great! I saw the first page of the coinmarketcap. OMG is one of all coins that has risen significantly. What will happen next?2021年10月3日There is no point in denying it because it has become valuable.2021年10月1日I advised you this morning!2021年10月1日happy!2021年9月28日Thank you so far.Good bye.2021年9月28日I have bought enough cryptocurrencies. I dont want to buy it anymore. Please start the rise!2021年9月26日May today be the starting day!2021年9月26日What will happen to Bitcoin at the end of this year?#BitcoinIll leave it to the flow, but I want Bitcoin to play an active role.2021年9月25日What are you thinking about?2021年9月24日Next month is very important for me and for you.2021年9月23日We have to figure out which news is really influencing the market, hidden behind the news on the surface.2021年9月23日I pray that this peace will last for a long time.2021年9月23日Please...2021年9月22日I cannot stand with this anymore.2021年9月22日Im buying it now.2021年9月21日I was in good shape until last month, but this month I suffered a lot of damage. Well, what should I do?2021年9月15日Memories are monochrome. Color them!2021年9月11日Is Defi at risk of being hacked, and are regulations tightened by the authorities?Is NFT declining in popularity?Hmm ...2021年9月10日I have no idea what to do next.But today,Im living a human life for the first time in a long time.2021年9月10日Its quiet.2021年9月9日I hate autumn.2021年9月9日No, isnt it so expensive???2021年9月9日I bought a lot of coins during the cryptocurrency crash last night. However, there is no sign that the chart is going up at all and I am impatient. What should I do?2021年9月8日tasty!2021年9月8日It seems that it has been decided, but it has not been decided.2021年9月8日Im Japanese, so I support MONA coin. Is it technically impossible for MONA coin to get involved in NFT?2021年9月8日Im reading a book while drinking coffee now. it is quiet.2021年9月8日My hands trembled and my chin was about to come off.2021年9月7日I realized that I didnt need to hesitate.♪2021年9月6日Perhaps this overheating now will end in mid September.2021年9月6日amazing!!!2021年9月6日GO GO!!(On the other hand, Quantum is more amazing.)2021年9月5日I feel lucky after changing the smartphone case to blue. Looking back, I felt lucky when I changed the color of my tie to blue. On the contrary, the color that doesnt suit me is red.When I wear something red, its usually when Im lost in my life.2021年9月3日Ethereum is too strong. Its like a monster!∑(゚Д゚)2021年9月3日Ive definitely forgotten something important, but I cant remember what Ive forgotten.2021年9月2日What happened to Ethereum?2021年9月1日There is nothing I can do right now.2021年9月1日I have too much to think about!!2021年8月31日By the way, I feel that the number of cryptocurrency advertisements has decreased in Japan.2021年8月28日It was easy today.2021年8月25日People only see what they want to see.2021年8月25日Survival of the fittest. The law of the jungle.2021年8月17日By the way, I dont use Coincheck. Just looking.2021年8月16日Believe in yourself!2021年8月16日I have to judge things a little more flatly.2021年8月15日Please tell me what the future holds!2021年8月11日Maybe my expectation is correct.2021年8月10日Goodbye.2021年8月9日Is it a humid day today?2021年8月8日I have only the power to help my relatives, not the power to save others. However, I want everyone to live with a smile.2021年8月8日I wish for peace.2021年8月7日Good job.Well done,Quantum!!2021年8月7日Wow!2021年8月5日It seems that there are many people who like whac-a-mole.2021年8月4日Replying to@suicawari_club2Likewise!2021年8月2日Atsuhiko Nakata has opened a twitter account. That day, his account changed tremendously throughout the day.2021年7月27日Now Im reading this book while eating sweets.2021年7月23日I like to see people laughing.2021年7月22日Its about time we have to start preparing.2021年7月16日The sky that exists right above me.2021年7月15日Hmm...2021年7月9日The day before yesterday, I trained my abs for the first time in a while, but my lower back hurts more than my abs.2021年7月7日Hmm...2021年7月6日I heard the name George Soros in 2018 as well.2021年7月3日Im reading this book today.2021年6月29日Im reading this book today.2021年6月23日Im reading this book today. May the calm days continue.2021年6月19日I had a good time last night. I got up now.2021年6月17日Im reading this book now.2021年6月17日So,you should think carefully about what kind of money is flowing into Bitcoin currently.2021年6月15日It is important to think and decide for yourself. No one knows tomorrow, and there are a lot of irresponsible scammers.2021年6月15日Thinking about my abilities,1,Skill to work in a pharmacy2,Skill to draw pictures and manga3,Skill to make a website4,Knowledge of cryptocurrency5,...?2021年6月15日Overlooking a five lane road.2021年6月13日There is a difference between speculation and reality.2021年6月13日I was offered a flat fee job. I get paid 190,000 yen per month.2021年6月9日Sometimes my intentions are wrong, but sometimes they are right.2021年6月9日Calm days.2021年6月9日I have to order my Fathers Day sake today.2021年6月8日While eating pudding flavored ice cream.2021年6月8日I have been reading this book since yesterday.2021年6月4日Replying to@HOKARI_RICEThank you for your concern.😃♪Ive recovered quite a bit. Ill probably be fully recovered in another half day or so.2021年6月4日After the second vaccination, I had a fever of 38.0 degrees or more and a severe headache, and I finally recovered.2021年5月27日Correction: I think the editors of weekly shonen jump are very smart.2021年5月27日For people who do a lot of output, input time is like a break.2021年5月26日Im not very smart, so I cant understand everything by reading a book once.#GACKT2021年5月26日I think the jump editors are very capable.2021年5月26日I think it is important to have an unbiased way of thinking.2021年5月24日Be careful as banana is slippery.2021年5月23日BANANA2021年5月23日Ankake fried noodleshttps://eikaiwa.dmm.com/uknow/questions/700/2021年5月23日I ordered pizza.2021年5月21日I understand two purposes why he says it!2021年5月21日I dont know if hes doing it unknowingly or intentionally trying to divert the story.2021年5月19日See you in 4 years!2021年5月19日Some people are fueling the anxiety of others in order to benefit themselves.2021年5月16日Good morning. Currently I dont need to collect information. So I concentrate on my work.2021年5月14日Awesome‼️桜井和寿 × 稲葉浩志 / Vocalist対談https://youtube.com/watch?v=75ql--IBtp82021年5月14日Im eating takoyaki now.Yummy♪2021年5月14日Something new has begun!2021年5月10日Its warm and nice weather today.♪2021年5月9日We want a high spec PC.2021年5月4日Hmm...2021年5月3日If youre not careful, the game will be over in an instant.2021年5月3日Its worth doing because its something that only I can do, but its a lot of work.2021年4月29日For the time being, get results in the work you are working on.2021年4月29日What do you think is the reason for UNIQLOs success?2021年4月29日Survive!2021年4月29日No matter which one you choose, there is no guarantee of how long it will last.2021年4月29日Im a little tired.2021年4月28日The juice in the xiaolongbao is an enemy.2021年4月28日Make small goals and achieve them. And repeat it.2021年4月28日It may be difficult, but if you take it seriously, you will definitely reach the goal!2021年4月27日I saw Daiki Inai for the first time in a long time.2021年4月27日Oh, I hope its all over.2021年4月25日Discard your desires, prejudices and beliefs and think logically.2021年4月25日Discard prejudice and think logically.2021年4月25日Already the wise people are ready.2021年4月25日I keep working even when everyone is playing.2021年4月25日I keep going even when everyone is resting.2021年4月25日I can understand the model answer somehow,but...2021年4月22日Continued challenges and efforts increase the chances of a miracle.2021年4月21日Im eating clam chowder now. I used to eat it when I was studying for college entrance exams.2021年4月21日Im sleepy.2021年4月21日Im going to the hair salon now.2021年4月18日Do work that can be shaped with your current abilities.2021年4月14日Its a waste of time to worry about things that cant be solved even if you worry.2021年4月13日Any field is fine. The scale doesnt matter. But you have to make an effort to become number one.https://basic-english-learning.com/3320.html2021年4月12日I really want to live comfortably without trying anything anymore. But when I do that, I know Ill regret it.2021年4月12日I cant eat cucumbers and tomatoes.2021年4月12日I know this fish!Its a bonito!2021年4月12日What is the name of this fish?2021年4月12日It can be difficult to operate your iPhone with just your left hand.2021年4月12日Im eating fish food now.2021年4月12日Why do I and he get different results?2021年4月12日We are still growing!2021年4月12日Looking back on my life, there are so many mistakes. Therefore, no matter how hard things happen, my emotions dont move much.2021年4月9日Im sitting on the sofa at GU, and Im listening to a clerk and a customer talking happily nearby.2021年4月5日The time to sow is lonely, but still it is fruitless without sowing.2021年4月3日L,do you know?Shinigami only eat apples.2021年4月2日According to the news, the companys stock listing is earlier than I expected.2021年3月28日I have a headache, so I take painkiller.2021年3月27日I dont care!2021年3月27日It was a delicious dinner.Thank you!2021年3月27日Im going home now.2021年3月21日I have just finished cleaning my room. Im going to read some books from now on.2021年3月20日My weight today is 56.7 kilograms.2021年3月20日I want to clean my room tomorrow. Thats why I want to finish the work Im doing today.2021年3月19日Im exhausted today so Im going to sleep.2021年3月19日Dont disturb me running at full power!2021年3月15日What is the difference between recent and current?https://google.com/2021年3月12日What will this be?Days of struggling desperately while having anxiety.2021年3月8日She told me not to get on the scale because my soles looked dirty.2021年3月8日My eyes are itchy.2021年3月7日My recent favorite is this chocolate.2021年3月5日Sleeping time is a waste, isnt it?2021年3月5日I weighed myself for the first time in a long time today. My current weight is 58.3 kilograms. Im going to reduce 3 kilograms.2021年3月2日Now Im at the clinic, waiting for my name to be called.2021年2月27日If its not what I expected, Ive decided what to do next.2021年2月26日So what?2021年2月26日Now Im seriously thinking about eating pudding.2021年2月26日“YOBUNOTSU”This is the word I hate the most. So Im always careful not to get into that situation. But I also have to think about what I should do next.2021年2月26日Are you wondering why he says that? I understand his character so I know why.2021年2月26日Im waiting here.2021年2月25日Their accounts are very similar.2021年2月25日I met several acquaintances on my way home today.2021年2月24日Im afraid of static electricity.referencehttps://eikaiwa.dmm.com/uknow/questions/41868/2021年2月23日Its a tough world.2021年2月23日Think about what you need to do next.2021年2月23日Will Bitcoin price fall below $ 40,000 in the next few days?2021年2月22日Hmm.2021年2月22日Its warm and nice weather today.2021年2月22日How will the Bitcoin transferred from Coinbase be treated?2021年2月21日I cant find the chocolate I bought yesterday.2021年2月21日Recently Ive been eating too much sweets.2021年2月21日Good morning.2021年2月20日Many people have keen eyes.2021年2月20日Ive been thinking for a long time, but who runs his twitter account? I think its better to operate it a little more carefully.2021年2月20日I think Bitcoin will be affected by Teslas stock price for a while. Im worried because Teslas stock price is too high.By the way, I am a worrier.referencehttps://eikaiwa.dmm.com/uknow/questions/14632/2021年2月20日I dont have Bitcoin right now.See you!2021年2月20日As expected, I feel that many traders have died today.And their grip strength is abnormal.TSUBASA YOZAWAhttps://twitter.com/tsubasa_yozawa/YUTA MISAKIhttps://twitter.com/misakism13/2021年2月20日We may be able to leap high as aeroplanes fly in the sky against gravity, however, we need a thoughtful, strategic plan first to do so. Go with the flow but quietly, get well prepared at the same time. Focus on a better cause.2021年2月19日Its a quiet night.2021年2月19日https://coinmarketcap.com/ja/currencies/polkadot-new/2021年2月18日Bitcoin is called “digital gold” when its price is rising. However, when the price is falling, it is called “electronic garbage”.2021年2月16日Im suffering from abdominal pain all day today.2021年2月16日I got the noodles yesterday. So I bought vegetables, roast pork and eggs today. Im looking forward to making ramen tomorrow.2021年2月16日Good night.2021年2月15日That moment will surely come.2021年2月15日Replying to@LiztheFizzyWhizThank you!2021年2月15日Replying to@Tinkerbell32112Thats right. Im worried that experts say that there is a high probability that a big earthquake will occur in Tokyo in the near future.2021年2月15日Replying to@LiztheFizzyWhizThank you for the kind words from a distant country!2021年2月15日Replying to@Tinkerbell32112It is a prefecture next to Tokyo, Japan. Thank you kindly!2021年2月15日Replying to@KnightAngel45Thank you for the kind words from a distant country!2021年2月14日Why did they start uploading commemorative photos one after another?2021年2月14日I was occasionally wondering what he was doing right now.However, I couldnt get any information about him recently.I was able to confirm his survival today!Im glad he looked fine.2021年2月14日I experienced a big earthquake for the first time in a long time.2021年2月13日I stopped by a major appliance store to buy Apple Pencil Tips. ✏️referencehttps://eikaiwa.dmm.com/uknow/questions/7956/2021年2月13日I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.2021年2月12日I have a nosebleed now.2021年2月10日I picked up a death note.2021年2月10日Its not time to panic yet.2021年2月10日coinbase?2021年2月10日It seems that yesterdays article was a lie.2021年2月10日The important thing is whether the timing is right. If you make a mistake in the timing, even if you do the same action as a successful person, you will fail.2021年2月10日According to this article, Tesla bought 1BTC for about 3.5 million yen. Its a higher price than I guessed.https://jp.reuters.com/article/crypto-currency-tesla-reddit-idJPKBN2A92E82021年2月9日Perhaps the current price of Bitcoin is about 1.75 million yen higher than when Tesla bought it, right?2021年2月9日Im whistling now.2021年2月9日When you are dazzled by greed, you are in a position called nutrients.Make a calm judgment.2021年2月9日Its hard to survive.2021年2月9日Im worried about people who have stopped tweeting.2021年2月9日I think its better to wait for February 12th to pass.🙄2021年2月8日Think about it, please. Tesla didnt buy Bitcoin right now. Tesla bought it in the past.2021年2月8日I said it 5 days ago,“There are 5 days left until February 8th.”Today is the day! 🙂https://twitter.com/masa_ts_english/2021年2月7日I have no choice but to accept my current situation and move forward step by step. 🏃‍♂️2021年2月7日Wish to make the world a better place?Wish to help our world to reach its full potential?Endeavour to become a man of value, a dealer in hope.2021年2月7日We often witness folks with a keen sense of art magically turn garbage into a sublime art. A sensibility for art is a gift, a treasure. Boost your sense to enrich your life!2021年2月7日All the skills you have obtained so far will help you when the time comes.Chapter 1, chapter 2 of your life all contribute to creating the chapter 3 and 4, and so on.When the time comes,all the skills you have acquired,and all the knowledge you have will be transformed...2021年2月7日We may be able to leap high as aeroplanes fly in the sky against gravity, however, we need a thoughtful, strategic plan first to do so. Go with the flow but quietly, get well prepared at the same time. Focus on a better cause.2021年2月7日Its fine to spend time with others, but its also crucial to be alone and reflect. Discipline yourself to have strong willpower.2021年2月7日Hooray! Its free to express yourself! You know, brands spend a lot on advertising to attract more customers, but it doesnt cost you anything just to be you and share your ideas and messages to the world! Were not restricted in any way! With confidence, seize every ...2021年2月7日Your effort will never be wasted, not a single moment of it.Keep putting in an effort!2021年2月7日Does something appear to loom over you? Almost impossible as it may seem, but Im sure "it can be done." Nothing is impossible.2021年2月7日Ive been learning many things to attain my objectives. Its time to set off and explore the vast world!2021年2月7日Know your enemy. Keep fighting and crush your inner demons. Whether you do it or not is totally up to you. Be persistent. Never say die!2021年2月6日Three sentences that have no particular meaning.It looks easy, but its actually very difficult.It is difficult to predict the future.It comes suddenly.2021年2月5日Replying to@SunnyDarkoThats right! Im wondering why he erased the word “Bitcoin”.🤔2021年2月5日What are the leaders thinking now? 🤔2021年2月4日Thank you for your hard work. Please rest for a while. 🙃2021年2月4日Oh? 😲Elon Musks profile has changed!2021年2月4日I concentrate on the work.2021年2月3日Train your mind and focus on the work you have to do.2021年2月3日I have an itchy cheek from this morning.😑2021年2月3日Get in the habit of summarizing your thoughts quickly.2021年2月3日He is a supporting actor, director and photographer.2021年2月3日There are 5 days left until February 8th.参照:日付の書き方https://eikaiwa-highway.com/date/2021年2月1日I dont think xrp will keep the high price until the question of whether it is a security is resolved.2021年2月1日I thought so. And maybe it will fall to about 20 yen again.2021年2月1日I want to eat delicious dumplings.😋2021年2月1日Actually, Im in trouble because I dont have what I want or want to do anymore. 😑2021年2月1日You cant grasp a bright future unless you act.Even if you dont know what the correct answer is.2021年2月1日If you dont take risks, you wont get any profit.🔓But be careful not to be scammed by bad guys.🔐2021年2月1日Always think about what you have to do next.🍎2021年1月31日I dont want to get involved.😨2021年1月30日It seems to me that the market is behaving like a fool of people who buy xrp. 🙄2021年1月30日It will be February from the day after tomorrow. Time goes by quickly.2021年1月30日I think the price of Bitcoin will soon fall below 3 million yen.2021年1月30日Its hard to live.🙄2021年1月29日Replying to@migimigi000Thank you very much.🎉\( ˆoˆ )/🎶2021年1月29日The profiles of Elon Musk and Jack Dorsey have something in common.2021年1月29日I told you to be careful. 😰2021年1月29日What is happening now has already happened in December of last year. Please be careful.🙄2021年1月29日I passed by a person walking a dog.🐕‍🦺2021年1月29日The construction site building near my home is getting closer and closer to completion. 🏗🏢2021年1月28日When you receive a job, you have to act responsibly.When you get a job, you have to behave professionally.https://google.com/2021年1月28日Its snowing. ❄️2021年1月28日What I ate for lunch was not delicious.😑...2021年1月28日Is the lowest price of BTC in 2021 February? 🤔2021年1月27日Is everyone trying out the new sns today and no one on Twitter? 🙄...2021年1月27日I have a headache caused by stiff shoulders. 😑⚡️2021年1月27日I only have 10 minutes to touch my iPhone......How do you describe “the time you spend operating your iPhone” in English?🤔2021年1月27日This is my first tweet today.Hello World. 🌏2021年1月26日This is my last tweet today. See you later.🙋‍♂️2021年1月26日What is as important to an examinee as studying?🙄2021年1月26日This salty rice cracker is delicious.Im eating it now.🙂🍘💯✨https://befco.jp/sp/products/kenbi/2021年1月26日👨‍💻The work Im doing①To draw manga②To study pharmacy③To study English conversation④To study programming⑤Observation of people related to crypto currency⑥So I need to learn how to use time.🙄2021年1月26日Im glad that today is a little warmer than yesterday.🌞2021年1月26日I am planning to go to the clinic today. Good morning.🏥2021年1月26日Think while working.2021年1月26日Its hard to fix my faults.😵2021年1月26日I dont know if my work speed is right, but I draw manga every day. I think it needs to be completed to some extent by the end of this month.🤔✍️2021年1月25日The Republic of Malta may be the best place to go to study abroad now.🤔https://www.bridge-ryugaku.com/blog/covid-19/2021年1月25日I really think that if the current calm life continues, I dont need anything else.🙂2021年1月25日Im home. After all I like home.2021年1月25日I bought soft-boiled eggs.🥚🥚🥚2021年1月25日I want to go to Disney Resort.🥺2021年1月25日I bought tea and chocolate.🍵🍫2021年1月25日I stopped by FamilyMart.2021年1月25日Im going up the stairs.2021年1月25日I have my purse in my left hand.👛2021年1月25日Im wearing comfortable shoes.👞👞2021年1月25日Im waiting for the traffic light to turn blue now.2021年1月25日I see the Toyoko Inn sign.2021年1月25日I want to be a person with a sense.🙄2021年1月25日I have to go to the bank today.🏦2021年1月25日Not completed yet.2021年1月25日Im sad because Im slow to draw.😞2021年1月24日The volume of cryptocurrency transactions is decreasing.🙄2021年1月24日A siren is ringing nearby.📢2021年1月24日The sweets I would like to recommend are sold at Lawson.🍭2021年1月24日Im taking a walk while whistling.2021年1月24日We Japanese dont often feel poverty unless we go abroad, but when we go abroad, we feel poverty...🙄2021年1月24日I noticed today that I have lost my credit card.🧐⚡️2021年1月24日I cant remember my important password at all.💦2021年1月24日It is important to guess when that moment is.🤔2021年1月24日I was very busy and tired this week.😇2021年1月24日I love the time I spend at home.🏠2021年1月24日Im sleepy so Im going to drink coffee.😪☕️2021年1月24日I really like the moment when I open the curtains on the morning of my day off.2021年1月23日Now Im eating spring rolls.🍳2021年1月23日Im so careful that Im confident that I wont get infected with COVID-19, but I applied for the vaccine.💉2021年1月23日Replying to@nbbs0996lol😄✨Thanks for your reply❗️2021年1月23日Are BTC and BTS different?🙃2021年1月23日I can hear Mrs. GREEN APPLEs song from somewhere.👂🍏🍎🍏🍎🍏2021年1月23日I want to spend all day at home tomorrow.🥶⛄️2021年1月23日I want to eat bread with a lot of fresh cream.🍞2021年1月23日Excuse me, who is that person?🤔2021年1月22日So what does that mean?🤔2021年1月22日Im finally getting a little better. I want to say thank you to hot milk.🥛2021年1月22日You cannot be happy if you wish for the misery of others.2021年1月22日I just realized that I forgot my appointment.💦2021年1月22日There are two reasons your boss will let you do the work.① Because you can secure time for your boss.② Because only you can do the job.Aim to be a valuable person.🚀2021年1月22日I heard the surgeon talk today.🧐2021年1月22日Im groping, so I cant do it efficiently.2021年1月22日You need to reconcile your senses with the social situation.2021年1月22日I ate cheese curry for lunch. 🍛Then I go to the clinic in the afternoon.🏥2021年1月22日The excursion is to the point where you come home.2021年1月22日So I told you to stay vigilant.2021年1月22日I will wait a little longer.🙂2021年1月21日You did your best. Take a break for a moment.😌2021年1月21日Todays coffee is also delicious.☕️As usual, my desk is cluttered.Im sitting in a chair.2021年1月21日I bought gratin at Seveneleven.🍴2021年1月21日What are you looking at?👁2021年1月21日Im still not familiar with how to use Discord...🧐2021年1月21日The shop in front of me is closed._| ̄|○2021年1月21日I thought so.🙄2021年1月21日Its very cold.🥶2021年1月21日Replying to@crimson_grolyThank you for your kindness!🙂🎶2021年1月21日I said a line that doesnt make any sense.🙄2021年1月21日Dont let your guard down yet!You still have something to do.2021年1月21日Im tired.2021年1月20日Well, Im going to brew coffee and start working.☕️🖥🎨2021年1月20日This is my 9th tweet today.2021年1月20日Im aiming for 10 tweets a day.📝2021年1月20日I bought a hokkairo.What is Hokkairo called in English?2021年1月20日I hope for world peace. I saw scary news.2021年1月20日Im going to sleep.2021年1月20日Please tell me what that number means!2021年1月20日Did they move to the Republic of Malta?🤔2021年1月20日I am now drawing a picture of the background.🏢2021年1月20日By the way, I feel like I havent been exercising for more than a year.🤔2021年1月19日Ethereum is currently at the highest price ever!👏👏👏✨2021年1月19日I will buy soy milk and vegetable juice and go home.🥛🥤2021年1月19日A famous Japanese youtuber, Atsuhiko Nakata talked about Evangelion.The total of those two videos is about 5 hours! 😨💦Hes crazy!!!!☑️ Part 1https://youtu.be/☑️ Part 2https://youtu.be/2021年1月19日I slept well so my thoughts are clear today.🙂2021年1月19日I thought Id get up in four hours, but I slept for eight hours.🙄2021年1月19日I feel like I can live anywhere that is connected to the internet.🤔2021年1月19日Good weather but cold .🥶2021年1月19日I forgot to charge my iPhone last night.📱⚡️2021年1月19日I am careful not to make a mistake as much as possible.2021年1月19日Good morning.Im brewing coffee now.☕️2021年1月19日I havent finished digesting what I ate, but I go to bed.Good night and sweet dreams.🌙2021年1月18日Im brushing my teeth now.🦷🪥2021年1月18日Correct the “come” of the previous tweet to “come on”.🎃2021年1月18日Its a very cold day today. 🥶I dont like winter because I cant stand the cold. Come, spring!2021年1月18日I feel that my Twitter notification has been strange since yesterday. 🙄Good morning.🌱2021年1月18日I use something that can be substituted, but I have to make up for what I lack.2021年1月18日Its a silly story.2021年1月18日The ability to believe and wait is also important.2021年1月17日Mascarpone is delicious cheese.🧀🤗✨2021年1月17日Which way are you going?2021年1月17日You should concentrate on your work. Turn off your smartphone.☠️⚡️2021年1月17日That is the range of error.2021年1月17日What do you want?You need to be clear about your goals.2021年1月17日I saw people on YouTube attacking a weak influencer.The reason they do it is because it benefits them.How much damage does he suffer from doing it?Imagine what he is carrying.2021年1月17日Replying to@crimson_grolyGood morning. 🌞Lets do our best today.🙋‍♂️✨2021年1月17日Dont leave your judgment to others.Isnt the word I hear from the CM imitating something?🙄2021年1月17日Seriously please.2021年1月17日Im sleepy, but I have to do it.😪💤2021年1月17日Find your own way of fighting, and grab even a small victory.⚔✨2021年1月17日This world is full of hoaxes for someone to benefit.🙄2021年1月16日What I noticed by observing the work of various people is that they are all working very hard.😳2021年1月16日One step ahead is darkness.🙄※Just a literal translation of Japanese proverbs2021年1月16日Im watching a TV show with lots of animals right now.🐕🐈‍⬛🐼2021年1月16日I am going to renew my car insurance.🖥🚙2021年1月16日My dinner was oden.🍢2021年1月16日Lets disinfect your smartphone!📱2021年1月16日Wash your hands thoroughly❗️2021年1月16日I will stop by UNIQLO and go home.🙂2021年1月16日I cant think of any tweets this morning.🙄2021年1月16日Im not good at distinguishing between what I can and cannot do. So I try to do what I cant do.😨2021年1月16日Im drawing, but Im late.🙄🎨2021年1月15日Vaccination will start in Japan as well.2021年1月15日When I asked him a question,"Why do you think about that?"He said.I remembered that bothered him.🙄2021年1月15日I want to finish the work Im doing in January and start the next one in February.🙂2021年1月15日Everyone is in trouble with the truck parked there.😵2021年1月15日A monkey has appeared.Good morning.🐒2021年1月15日What I say changes because I am growing up.⚔2021年1月15日I have a terrible itching in my right eye.👀💦2021年1月15日I know that, but ...2021年1月15日Maybe ...2021年1月14日What is the situation overseas?2021年1月14日At the end of last year, XRP was pointed out by the authority and suffered great damage to its price.Perhaps the next time USDT receives similar indications, the price of BTC will drop significantly.I think its like a future where everything is decided.2021年1月14日Ignorance allows you to take on big challenges.⚔2021年1月14日I see.🙄https://youtube.com/2021年1月14日Hmm.🙄2021年1月14日And it is also important to make proposals that exceed the expectations of the other party.😌2021年1月14日I learned today that when asking a question, it is important to be conscious of not burdening the other person.2021年1月14日Now is the time to say that word.2021年1月14日Its a quiet night.🌙2021年1月13日Well, I brew coffee and start painting.🎨2021年1月13日You dont have to rush. Opportunities exist anytime, anywhere.2021年1月13日I am thankful.٩( ω )و✨2021年1月13日Are you all grateful?٩( ᐛ )و✨2021年1月13日I have some time left this morning.Did I skip some steps🙄?Good morning.🌱2021年1月12日Fits the times① Roughly predict the near future.② Think about when the future will come.③ Act.All you need is the ability to predict more accurately and the courage.2021年1月12日Unfortunately, my favorite milk was sold out.🥛🐮🙄2021年1月12日I dont think the good or bad news of the world has anything to do with the work I have to do.2021年1月12日Im going to buy natto, tofu and milk and go home.🏠2021年1月12日Think things simple and act.🙃2021年1月11日Remember that it goes beyond our thinking.2021年1月11日Donald Trumps Twitter account has been frozen.Will new, administrator-free sns using blockchain become widespread?2021年1月11日I used to want to do big things, but Ive given up. Instead, I hope that I will continue to live a peaceful life now.2021年1月11日I didnt do anything today and spent the whole day relaxing. Maybe its okay to have a day like this once in a while.2021年1月11日My washing machine broke.🙄2021年1月11日I think the lowest price of Bitcoin this year is just under 2 million yen.2021年1月11日Its not a simple world where everyone can succeed together.2021年1月11日It doesnt matter what the reason is.2021年1月11日Hmm…🙄2021年1月10日“Your life has been decided by you, right?”I remembered the words that were said in the past.2021年1月10日At first glance it may seem easy, but the world is not as easy as an ignorant person can win.2021年1月10日My work is as slow as a turtle. sorry!Im brewing coffee now.☕️2021年1月10日Its about time everyone notices something ...2021年1月10日I know that the cryptocurrency market suddenly changes its appearance.2021年1月10日I dont like being called nutrients. So Im careful enough.2021年1月10日Good morning.🌱Today I work while listening to trendy music. Rejuvenate my senses.2021年1月10日Good night and sweet dreams.🌙2021年1月10日Whether youre tired, depressed, or unmotivated, do it.Im telling myself, not you.2021年1月9日【Expected 】【Practice writing in English】It will fall once at the end of the uptrend in BTC, but I expect XRP to rise later this year. The reason is Ripple will issue a token that solves the problem.2021年1月9日Love and stick to your clumsiness!2021年1月9日No knowledge is required and experience can be a handicap.However, the world is cruel.Is it too much to think that those without knowledge will eventually be killed?2021年1月8日Are you all breathing?🥶2021年1月8日Everyones tweet has been reduced.🙄2021年1月8日Not only you, but everyone is facing difficulties.2021年1月7日A new SLAMDUNK movie will be made❗️ 🎞✨Im looking forward to it😃‼️2021年1月7日Replying to@Reuters((((;゚Д゚)))))))❗️2021年1月7日XRP has also risen. Is the uptrend coming to an end?#crypto#cryptocurrency#XRP#Bitcoin2021年1月7日It seems that they are trying to arouse peoples anxiety and make them pay for things like garbage.2021年1月7日I want to be a person who truly celebrates the success of others.2021年1月7日Work!2021年1月7日We dont know the victory or defeat until we finish.2021年1月7日You dont have to be depressed comparing yourself to others!2021年1月7日Dont be upset by small events. Train your weak heart.2021年1月6日What kind of day will it be tomorrow?🤔2021年1月6日Learn history and use it in your own life.2021年1月6日Remember what is happening now and use it for yourself in the future.2021年1月6日Guess what will happen in the future.2021年1月6日There are three ways to change your life. One is to change how you spend your time. The second is to change the place to live. The third is to change the people you associate with.2021年1月6日BTC was rated the same as gold, but is XRP the same as tulips?🤔2021年1月5日When thinking about business, the important thing is to solve someones problem, how to sell and how much profit can be expected.2021年1月4日Im going to watch YouTube to learn how to use a drawing app called Clip Studio Paint.🎨2021年1月4日Somehow, I will introduce the names of the characters in the manga I drew last summer.💁‍♀️This womans name is Rereum、and The name of this feathered character is Cashu.🧚‍♂️2021年1月4日Ethereum is back!2021年1月4日Good morning world. Im ready!2021年1月3日I have to think about what to do for the near future.🤔2021年1月3日Unbelievable!2020年のツイートまとめ2020年12月29日I think the question of whether xrp is a security is an unavoidable issue for xrp to get going.Isnt it pretending to be dead🤔?#xrp#ripple2020年12月27日Will Bitcoin exceed $30,000 with alt drain😳?このサイトの英会話関連情報はこちらにまとめてありますWEBサイト トップページへ戻る
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